Mr. Wadhwani Residence

Location : Baner, Pune Client : Mr. PavanWadhwani Carpet Area : 3500 sq.ft. Completed The client here had a requirement of renovating the outdoor elevation and Interior of the newly acquired bungalow. The family had 3 couple, their children and Single parent with place for helpers. Every couple had a different taste and so did the children with individual bedrooms. Master Bedroom and 2 Children’s bed room were given spaces bed area, walk-in wardrobe and spacious bathroom by combining few rooms to make one. The client wanted the latest artifacts, furniture and wall treatment in the market and went ahead for a China based market. Our studio designed, shortlisted and acquired all the artifacts, furniture and accessories with client choice and mood.

Mr. Wadhwani Residence
Project Type:
Spiro Designs